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Goals are actions that you want website visitors to take that moves your company forward. This could be things like joining a newsletter, filling out a contact form, making a purchase or viewing a specific page on your website. It is important to track this information so that you can determine what is working in your business and what needs to be improved.
Here is a quick guide on how to create goals for your website in Analytics.
Go to your Google Analytics account and go to “Admin”
Click Goals under the view tab:
Then click the “New Goal” Button:
Google will give you predetermined goal templates to choose from, these are the common goals that are applicable to most websites.
If you are trying to measure any of these goals select the box next to the one you want to measure. If you don’t find one that you are looking for, select “Custom”. In this article I will give you an example of setting a Lead Goal in Analytics.
The next step is to name your Goal:
Choose the type of conversion you want. For his example we will choose Destination type:
Choose the type you want and click continue.
Next select Regular Expression for the Destination and enter your Thank You Page URL
Once that is done click SAVE and you are all done. You will now be able to track conversion in Google Analytics.